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Ten Chimneys Estate Tour and Duck Inn Supper Club Dinner

Renee and Daryl Ullberg take you on an adventure to a world-class house museum and national resource for theater, arts, and arts education and a supper club dinner afterwards.

Ten Chimneys Estate Tour and Duck Inn Supper Club Dinner
Ten Chimneys Estate Tour and Duck Inn Supper Club Dinner


Nov 09, 2024, 1:45 PM – 7:30 PM

Ten Chimneys, S43 W31575 Depot Rd, Waukesha, WI 53189, USA


Ten Chimneys, the estate lovingly created by theatre legends Alfred Lunt and Lynn

Fontanne, is open to the public as a world-class house museum and national resource

for theatre, arts, and arts education. Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne are widely

considered the greatest acting team in the history of American theatre. Their estate,

know as Ten Chimneys, provides a glimpse into their lives and the history of American

Theatre. The Full Estate Tour provides the optimum Ten Chimneys experience. This

tour includes the three-story Main House, the rustic Studio, the Enchanting Cottage,

the restored gardens, and the exteriors of the Pool House, Greenhouse, and

Creamery. Guests should allow two (2) hours, including a shuttle ride to and from the

estate. In addition, all exhibits in the Program Center are available for your viewing,

along with the movie the Lunts starred in, The Guardsman. The tour cost is $35.00

per person and will take approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. Following the tour, we will drive

to the Duck Inn in Delavan, Wisconsin for dinner at an typical Wisconsin Supper Club.

RSVP Renee at:

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